Copy information from the clipboard
lick on the underlined links. 


To copy contact signature information from the message that is saved in the file, you must take the following steps:


  1.  Open the file where you keep the message and select its signature text.

  2.  Copy the selected text to the clipboard.

  3. Return to Microsoft® Outlook®, and on the Edit or Actions menu, select Signature2Contacts.

  4.  A new Contact form filled in with the appropriate signature data will be opened. 


Important: By default Signature2Contacts removes color formatting and clears signature information in a Contact form body after a new Contact is saved. If you want to change default settings, you should modify Signature2Contacts options. Learn about modifying Signature2Contacts options. 


Note. Copied signature information is placed in Contact form body. Undetected data is highlighted in red and can be manually assigned to the form fields.

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