Setting Signature2Contacts options
lick on the underlined links. 


Signature2Contacts options are set in Signature2Contacts Options form. To open the form on the Tools menu, point to 4Team Options, and then click Signature2Contacts.

To remove signature text color formatting in Contact form body or to clear its content after saving a new contact record, keep the check boxes in Signature2Contacts Options form selected. Otherwise, clear one or both check boxes.

In the Signature2Contacts Options form frame it is shown the present list of fields in “To Field” submenu. To change the display order of the fields in the list, use Move up or Move down buttons.

To remove the field from the list, use Remove button. To add a new field to the list, use Add… button. When you press this button, Add field(s) form appears. In this form, select the field, which has to be appended to the list of fields in To Field submenu.

To restore default settings of “To Field” submenu, press Reset button in Signature2Contacts Options form.


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